Empowered to Lift & Inspire

Focus and Make It Happen!
Is it a challenge to set goals and complete them?
Are you wasting time on frivolous emotions and tasks that hinder your personal and professional success?
If you answered Yes! This online work shop is for you!
This web-based workshop is offered in a small group setting where we will define the importance of focus and provide a five step approach to help sharpen this skill for personal and professional performance.
Click the link to below to find out more!
Please Email Us For Information!!

Creativity, Ideas, Collaboration
Are you struggling with developing innovative ideas?
Do you need a fresh perspective on a problem?
Have a skill that you want to turn into a business?
Sign up for the E2LI Brain-storm!
You will have 5 minutes to present your idea or problem with all supporting information to assist the brain-storm team with developing creative suggestions!!
If you are struggling for ideas or solutions This is the on-line event to Attend!!
Click the link below to find out more!
Please Email us for information!!

Coming Soon!
The Empowerment Expo
Email: Tywilliams@e2li.com for Vendor and Sponsorhip Info!